Studying With Think Employment Has Allowed Me To Learn At My Own Pace, Build Knowledge And Gain Employment


Marie (Support Work In Schools L2)

Marie was originally focused on raising her family, but when the time was right she started looking into different courses. She decided to join a course with Think Employment and reflects on her experience below.

Can you remember how you first heard about Think Employment?
I was recommended the course by my Job Coach. Whilst looking through my CV I mentioned I wanted to 
be a Teaching Assistant and they recommended Think Employment. I applied and was swiftly on the 
What did you think of the course when you first enrolled?
At first it was a bit daunting. However, I quickly adapted to the course and it was really engaging. I found 
the topics really insightful and I feel I have a good understanding of how schools operate.  
Would you say that completing the course has increased your confidence levels? 
The course has definitely improved my knowledge of working within a school. Soon after completing all 
my learning, I was offered an interview at a local primary school. I was nervous but felt confident with 
the new knowledge I had learnt. I was able to answer the questions well and use technical terms like 
‘DSL’ effectively. 
What did you do in your previous career?
I worked in retail for 12 years. I always had an interest in working within a school, and it’s only after 
starting a family, did I wish to take the leap and re-train.  
What do you think it is about Think Employment that made your time on the course so enjoyable?
Due to it being online learnings, the course was easily accessible and I could learn at any time that suited 
me or fitted in with my other commitments. I never felt any pressure from the tutors, who were always 
supportive and offered ‘a lot of resources to help me complete the course’.  
Which areas did you improve the most in?
I would say I improved my overall knowledge of schools, assisting within the classroom and it’s helped 
my self-confidence.  
Has the training provided by Think Employment helped with your career goals?
The course has provided me with the knowledge and confidence to move forward with my life. I want to
continue my learning and will be applying for other courses with Think Employment in the future!
If you’d like to follow in Marie’s footsteps, get in touch!  We have a wide range of courses that can boost your CV and help you find work. Apply now by visiting or calling us on 01472 493000.




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