Karen’s Success Story

Karen Success Story
Karen Success Story

We’ve asked Karen, a participant in our Skills Bootcamps in Teaching Support a few questions about her journey towards becoming a Teaching Assistant

Karen is a testament to the transformative power of continuous learning and professional development. Her journey from being a student in our course to securing a teaching assistant job is a captivating narrative of personal growth and resilience.

The course’s significant positive impact on Karen was not just in terms of knowledge acquisition but also in bolstering her self-confidence and interview skills. This case study will explore Karen’s experience in-depth, shedding light on how the combination of the course’s rigorous curriculum and her unwavering determination led to her successful employment.

1. What would you say has had the greatest positive impact on you so far from undertaking the course?

I think the greatest positive impact I have taken from this course is that I have had chance to grow my continual personal development, to the point where me showing I am still learning in an interview along with a positive attitude has attained me employment.

2. What would you say to someone who is un-decided as to whether to undertake this course or not, what would you say are the benefits?

I would say that yes this course will be intense and you have to push yourself really hard but at the end you will have a level 3 which will help you get employment as a teaching assistant.

3.  Has this course given you any new-found confidence or ability so far?

When doing the course I had just finished C and J on safeguarding and autism just before I went for an interview for a TA job because it had just renewed my knowledge and ability to understand these areas I was giving confident answers in an interview.

4. Do you feel this course supports you in gaining / progressing in employment, if so, why/how?

This course has been supportive in my being able to try to get my level 3, to be able to renew my knowledge of stuff I need to know to be a TA because it has let me update my knowledge I was able to go to an interview with confidence and I have gained employment, if someone wanted to be a TA but as yet had no qualification I would say  go for it in the long run it can only help you find employment working with children.

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